Treasurer Stacy Garrity Appoints Erik Arneson to Local Government Records Committee
Harrisburg, PA - Treasurer Stacy Garrity today announced that she has designated Erik Arneson, Deputy Treasurer for Communications, to serve as Treasury’s representative on the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission’s Local Government Records Committee (LGRC), which deals with issues related to record retention and disposition.
“Over the past 15 years, Erik has been deeply involved in advancing government transparency issues in Pennsylvania. As the former executive director of the state’s Office of Open Records, he is uniquely qualified to serve on this committee and has a wealth of knowledge regarding government agencies and their legal obligations to retain and release documents. Erik has worked tirelessly to ensure fair access to public records, and he will be a strong advocate for Pennsylvanians and the transparency they all deserve from their government.”
Pennsylvania State Treasurer, Stacy Garrity
“On the face of it, record retention may sound decidedly boring. In reality, it’s a critical issue to ensuring public access to important government records. I’m honored to be designated as Treasury’s representative on the Local Government Records Committee, and I look forward to working with my fellow committee members.”
Deputy Treasurer for Communications, Erik Arneson
The LGRC is responsible for the review and approval of proposed record retention and disposition schedules and rules for many municipalities across the Commonwealth, including third-class cities, boroughs, towns, first- and second-class townships, and municipalities who have adopted home-rule charters. The LGRC is also responsible for informing municipalities of changes that affect their record-keeping practices.
The Committee is chaired by the Secretary of Community and Economic Development or his designee. Other members include the Auditor General, the General Counsel and the executive director of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, or their designees; and five members appointed by the Governor to represent the League of Cities, the State Association of Boroughs, the State Association of Township Commissioners, the State Association of Township Supervisors and the Municipal Authorities’ Association.
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PMHC) is the official history agency of Pennsylvania. PHMC works to preserve the Commonwealth's natural and cultural heritage and provides assistance in records management to state and local governments.
Prior to joining Treasury in January, Arneson spent six years as executive director of the state’s Office of Open Records, which decides appeals filed under the Right-to-Know Law. He also worked as communications and policy director for former Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi and as chief of staff for former Senate Majority Leader David J. Brightbill. Previously, Arneson worked as a reporter for the Lebanon Daily News and a disc jockey for WJTL-FM in Lancaster. He and his wife, Elizabeth, live in Mechanicsburg.